New: objectplanner

New: objectplanner

New: Objectplanner: our powerful additional platform fully integrated with
Windplanner and solar planner.

The latest addition to our ‘Windplanner’ design and visualisation suite makes it possible to add a theoretically unlimited range of what we have called ‘objects’ into your project’s 3D (and 2D) world.  Objects, such as for example trees and hedgerows may be introduced  to screen some or all of a proposed development and so mitigate some of the effects on views.
Other ‘objects’ such as livestock, cars or farm vehicles might be used to generate more engaging visual images.

The use of planting in mitigation is well established as is indeed the introduction of people, play equipment etc in visual images.  No other software does however give you the capability to edit your mitigation measures in ‘real time’ and in 3D.  For example when designing landscape screening proposals, size, proportions, planting density, species etc in combination with stock fencing will all influence the overall visual character of the view.Because all objects can be scaled you can also illustrate growth.

The capability of wind and solar planner which already facilitates outputs of high quality 3D images has now gone up another level with Object planner.  The  package currently included > 20 objects.  Your required  object not available: call us and we will create it.

Objectplanner will be free until 01/01/2023. If you are interested to learn more about Objectplanner, please contact our sales department.

New: Objectplanner