Doefonds, NOM and the G.J. Smid Foundation are investing in disruptive visualization technology

Dutch Virtual Reality technology shows the impact of wind turbines on the surroundings and residents, anywhere in the world.


SNEEK – September 2016.

In order to visualise the impact of wind turbines, power pylons or motorways on the landscape in real-time, The Imagineers have launched a combination of virtual reality (VR) and innovative visualisation technology. With this new technology, everyone can visualise the impact of projects on their surroundings, up to the level of their own backyard. Since today, The Imagineers is the new company and brand name of VIA Drupsteen. With its new name, the software company underlines its international ambitions.

The visual impact of projects on the everyday surroundings is shown in detail by combining photorealism, 3-D and software development. This can be applied to any street, city or region in the Netherlands, and abroad. This combination of technologies is unique in the world, is completely online and real-time, and can support authorities and project developers in realising a more effective participation of stakeholders when it comes to interventions in landscape or living environment.

Before the name change, The Imagineers have already visualised more than 1000 projects in energy, construction and infrastructure for both businesses and governmental bodies, over the past 16 years. Examples of projects with much impact include the rerouting of power pylons in the provinces of Zuid-Holland and Zeeland (TenneT), new public transport lines (the Uithof line in Utrecht), road construction (the Rijnland route in Zuid-Holland and the Ringroad Zuid in Groningen) and energy projects (wind turbine parks in Noord- and Zuid-Holland).


VR Technology

The VR technology developed by The Imagineers is a combination of animation, photogrammetry, virtual reality, serious gaming and 360° photography and video. The visualisations can be made and watched online with any device (platform independent).

With this technology, which was developed in-house, the company presents itself worldwide in the markets of construction, energy and infrastructure. “Public support and participation are crucial in processes such as the transition to a sustainable energy system, the increasing urbanisation, deforestation, the creation of polders, and sand suppletion to combat coastal erosion. All these projects have a major visual impact on the immediate living environment.

Most traditional visualisations simply ‘paste’ a series of wide 3-D models into a landscape. With our photorealistic technique, residents get a far better idea of how large infrastructural projects will actually look like in the future”, says Maarten Drupsteen of The Imagineers.



To support the growth ambition of The Imagineers, more than 1 million euros are now invested by Doefonds, NOM and the G.J. Smid Foundation, and by the owners of the software company. Diederik Jongema, speaking on behalf of Doefonds, NOM and the G.J. Smid Foundation: “Virtual Reality is a technique in which huge investments are made all over the world. This current investment will be used to develop an online product that allows anyone, anywhere in the world, to realistically visualise the impact of wind turbines, with the push of a button. We take pride in supporting this initiative, which also strengthens the innovative power of the north of the Netherlands.”


About The Imagineers

With its in-house developed visualisation software, The Imagineers support local and national governments and project developers in visualising – in real-time and platform independent – interventions in the landscape and the living environment of businesses and civilians. The company does so by providing visual tools and applications for the energy sector, construction and infrastructure. The Imagineers are a Dutch company with offices in the Netherlands, England and Germany. For information about The Imagineers, please visit our website

For additional information (not for publication): if you would like to receive visual material and/or request an interview, please contact Maarten Drupsteen or call (+31)(0)515-439 230 / (+31)(0)6-26558709

Visual material of The Imagineers: click here.