
Release notes

What's new in Windplanner

Windplanner 2.26.0

March 19, 2025


  • Offshore Wind: Four additional offshore turbine foundations have been added.


  • Terrain Textures: Added the ability to change the color of a texture by applying an overlay. This helps blend textures seamlessly on the world map.
  • Dashboard: As a team member, you can now invite a project member or observer to grant them access to a project. The interface has been updated accordingly.
  • Dashboard: When transferring a project to another account, the specific layers will also be transferred.


  • Layers: If no style is found in the KML or KMZ, a default style will be applied.
  • Custom CRS: All globally used CRS coordinates that comply with EPSG can now be added by the user. When adding a new Coordinate Reference System, the system will retrieve the correct name and decimal.
  • Terrain Textures: These elements are now also available on the 2D map.
    • This makes it possible to precisely add new terrain textures based on topographic data, such as asphalt, grass, concrete, cobblestone or water.
  • View mode: All tooltips will now be accessible to observers and spectators.
  • Dashboard: As an owner or team member, you can now view your subscription limitations.
  • Dashboard: When the maximum number of team members, project members or observers is reached, the “invite” button will disappear.
  • Dashboard: When the maximum number of invites is reached, a warning message will appear.

Bug fixes

  • The Place tool did not always retain the layout you were working in when switching between different modules has been fixed.
  • Fixed an error with the blade markings.
  • The “Toggle water on world” function is working again, providing a more realistic representation of water. This function is only available for Cesium terrain data.


Windplanner 2.25.0

January 30, 2025


  • .Coordinates can be added based on name or EPSG-code
    • Windplanner now includes a library of Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS), allowing you to search by name or EPSG-code and add them to your Windplanner account. Do you want to use this? Please contact

  • New A-frame for solar panels
    • For solar tracking it is now also possible to select A-frames. The new A-frames can be found under Solar 3D models -> Frame settings. When turning on the “Track sun altitude” this option “Use A-frame” appears (only available with a south setup)


  • The flow for removing elements in a custom panorama photo has been improved.
    • You can now do multiple edits in a row, download the image or update your custom panorama directly
  • Icons for panorama calibration and masking tool
    • Icons for panorama calibration and masking tool
    • Pano calibration and masking tools are wobbling again, meaning you as a user MUST check these.
    • The masking icon should be the same as what your current mask is for your panorama. This will show you at a glance what masking method is being used.
    • The Cycle opacity value during panorama calibration retains the user’s last preference value even when switching between Move panorama and Rotate panorama.
  • Rework Shapefile import
    • The way of importing Shapefile (SHP) has changed internally. You may now only upload a ZIP with at least a .shp and a .prj file for Custom layers. If a coordinate system is included in the .prj file, it will also be used automatically.
  • Windplanner dashboard
    • Update to the feedback when entering your password. Feedback now clearly indicates what is wrong.
    • The reset of your password has been increased from 3 months to 6 months. User can now have the same password for half a year, after that it has to be changed.


  • Fix for Shapefile turbine import
    • Coordinates that are not correct are now filtered out so that the rest can be used.

In early development

  • New Module: Terrain textures can now also be placed in height and objects can be placed on them.
    • Objects such as turbines, solar panels, but also cars and houses can now also be placed on raised terrain. This makes it possible to make a foundation yourself with, for example, an approach route. The height can be set yourself. Terrain textures can be laid over each other, for example grass first, then asphalt and then stones. If Snap to terrain is chosen, the Visibility index can be used to indicate in which order the layers should be drawn.
    • This module is still in an early testing phase. If you are interested in trying out this new module for free, please let us know by sending an email to

Windplanner 2.24.0

September 27, 2024

Welcome to version 2.24.0 of Windplanner!


  • Web Map Service (WMS)
    Added WMS layer type as a possible source type for uploading your own custom layers.


  • Solar module limit increased
    You can now have up to 100 modules in a single solar panel


  • Fixed an issue where duplicating a laying with transmission tower would result in no cables being shown
  • Fixed an issue with cloning a project with transmission tower in it
  • Fixed an issue that caused transmission tower to have an incorrect rotation
  • Fixed some markers in the 3D world not being placed at the correct altitude

Windplanner 2.23.0

July 23, 2024

Welcome to version 2.23.0 of Windplanner!


  • Sun tracking solar panels
    We have added a new frame type for solar panels. You can now choose to track the altitude of the sun using the South frame type.
    Using this option will allow you to track the position of the sun during the day or set position of the panels at solar noon.


  • Web Feature Service (WFS)
    Added WFS layer type as a possible source type for uploading your own custom layers. This new source type comes with an improved option to limit the amount of data being requested to a certain area that you can select using the map as a boundary.


  • Solar 3D model names
    You can now customize the name of your solar 3D models, making it easier to differentiate between them.
  • Changed the way interaction works in the viewpoint list
    In order to streamline the entire interface we have changed the way you interact with the viewpoint list. Selecting a viewpoint will no longer automatically fly you towards it. This is now done by clicking the arrow on the left side of the list.
  • Properly setup names and types for lineplanner models
    We have reviewed our list of pylons and improved their classification for greater accuracy.  This change has also added Angle towers to the list of types.
  • Expand name on hover in multi edit screens
    We have added the option to add names to certain objects like turbines. Inside the edit screens this resulted in the name being too long for the list. This has been resolved by adding a hover effect to expand the name.
  • Persist BAG3D option
    Enabling BAG3D will now persist on the project, refreshing the application will automatically activate the dataset.
  • Highlighting while deleting sketched shapes
    To make it easier to remove specific shapes from a sketch layer, removable shapes will now be highlighted when hovering over them.



  • Fixed an issue where the preview image, shown when hovering over the magnifying glass in the Objectplanner 3D model list, appeared behind the interface.
  • Fixed Objectplanner model rotation.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the custom layer settings to not load properly.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the application to crash when deleting a sketch layer.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the radius for sketched circles to be incorrect in certain situations.
  • Restored historic panorama option.
  • Fixed an issue with the Lineplanner line tool that caused cables to connect to the wrong tower in certain situations.

Windplanner 2.22.0

April 16, 2024

Welcome to version 2.22.0 of Windplanner!


  • Cyclomedia global coverage
    With the latest addition of the Cyclomedia integration, we have also added the global coverage map for Cyclomedia allowing you to see where Cyclomedia currently has active Cycloramas and how up to date these images are.


  • Angle of View calculator
    We have added an Angle of View calculator, using this feature will have you make measurements of your distance to your screen and the actual width in centimeters of your 3D world. Combining these two will calculate the optimal viewing angle for your 3D world.
  • Solar panels at night
    While adjusting the time to night solar panels will now properly have their shading adjusted.  
  • Allow for bigger images to be put through the erase AI
    Our object erase feature for Custom panos has been improved to allow bigger images to be passed through up to a maximum width of 16.000 pixels.
  • Edit tools for sketch
    New edit tools have been made for sketch layers as well as updating the current sketch draw tools.


  • Objectplanner path rotate to 360
    Allow objects placed as a path to be able to rotate from -180 degrees to 180 degrees instead of -90 degrees to 90 degrees.
  • Rotor diameter
    Blade diameter has been renamed to Rotor diameter.
  • NAD83 Coordinate system
    The NAD83 coordinate system has been added as well as zone 5 through 10.
  • Target capacity improvements
    Several improvements to the target capacity interface have been made for calculating the yield of windparks and solarfarms.
  • Better precision for custom pano height
    Altitude is now able to be set at a higher precision 0,00 instead of 0,0.
  • Remove requests for observer roles
    The observer role will no longer have the option to request terrain as this is only for users who are allowed to make adjustments to the project.
  • New release notes link dashboard
    The current compatibility check at the top of your projects has been replaced with a link to the release notes.


  • Save as viewpoint now properly takes all required options and adds them to the viewpoint.
  • Screenshot now always properly disables markers.

Windplanner 2.21.0

January 9, 2024

Welcome to version 2.21.0 of Windplanner!


  • Custom panorama AI assistant
    Ever wished you could enhance your view of turbines or a solar park by erasing unwanted objects from your panoramas?
    Now, thanks to the Custom Panorama AI Assistant, this is not only possible, but also very easy to use.
    Edit your current Custom Panorama or upload a new one, and dive into the capabilities of the magic AI tool by clicking on “Start erase objects”.Simply use the brush feature to selectively erase undesired elements.With just a press of a button, watch as the objects seamlessly disappear, transforming your panoramic experience.
    Very useful for repowering projects to quickly clean up existing turbines.

  • Target Capacity
    Enhance your project with our new editor, enabling you to establish a target energy capacity. Adding turbines or solar panels will boost the overall energy capacity of your project. Easily set the rated capacity for turbines in the 3D model settings, applying the same straightforward process to solar panel models.

  • Custom Panorama Exif Data
    Discover a new feature allowing you to extract meta information from custom panoramas. If your custom panorama includes location data captured by the camera, we can leverage it to position your custom panorama precisely where it was originally taken. Additionally, you can also retrieve the date and time the custom panorama was taken, so that when viewing a viewpoint, the position of the sun is automatically set to the same as the position of the sun in the custom panorama.
  • Objectplanner model update
    We have updated our models for Objectplanner resulting in a much clearer view at greater distances from the objects.On the left is the old model and on the right is the updated model


  • Solar and Objectplanner field edit improvements
    Made it easier to adjust solar and object fields. Adding new interface to the edit windows and always showing the points of a field when it is selected.
  • Viewpoints wind direction
    Wind direction is now stored when saving a panorama or a 3D view as a Viewpoint. Returning to the viewpoint will adjust your wind directio
  • Object placement
    Add the option to Objectplanner to add object by using a single or a list of coordinates


  • Fixed getting stuck entering a viewpoint with a panorama that was stored ( Stuck at loading panorama )
  • Fixed a small issue with solar field array spacing
  • Fix stationary field sometimes not showing
  • Fixed the turbine import and export functionality ( Coordinates were being swapped in the export process resulting in incorrect positions when importing )

Windplanner 2.20.0

November 30, 2023

Welcome to version 2.20.0 of Windplanner!


  • Path place tool for Object planner
    Always wondered whether you can place a proper fence or line of hedges? This is now possible using Objectplanner. Need mitigating measures around your solar park? Using the new Path place tool within the Objectplanner module you can place a line of trees, fences, hedges and many more models available in our Objectplanner modulePlacing a line of hedges along the outside of a solar park and then entering a panorama detailing the solar park and outlined hedges



  • Field lines
    When placing a solar or object park, lines are now properly shown on the 3D world and the map. The setting “Show 3D field lines” will now properly enable and disable the visibility of the lines surrounding a park in the 3D world.
  • Default masking mode.
    We have added the option to set what your default masking mode is. You can find this under Settings > Pro settings. Changing this will make sure that each new pano is entered with the selected masking option.
  • Wind speed to zero
    It is now possible to set the wind speed to zero. You can do this simply by rotating the widgets close to zero.
  • Blade diameter dynamic layer
    We have added a new dynamic layer option. For turbines it is now possible to show the radius of the blade diameter as a dynamic layer.
  • Streetview markers
    You can now choose to also disable the streetview markers on the map as well as the 3D world.
  • Marker visibility interface
    We have updated the interface for marker visibility making it easier to understand.
  • Map marker animation
    We have removed the map marker animation setting. This option was removed in favor of better performance on the map.
  • Sketch layers
    When not having any sketch layers in your project the sketch layer list will no longer say it is loading but it will tell you that there is no Sketch layer available.

  • Turbine lights
    Turbine light can now have a bigger choice of colors to apply.


  • Dropdown menus now switch between opening from the top or the bottom depending on the amount of space available.
  • Solar was freezing the 3D world with specific preset settings.
  • Adapt to terrain for solar presets had some problems when the azimuth was not 180.
  • Coordinate systems are now properly stored in the project data.
  • Down- and crosswind notation in the hover labels was incorrect.
  • Resizing the interface had some unwanted side effects.
  • CSV Import now places turbines back at their correct position

Windplanner 2.19.0

November 7, 2023

Welcome to version 2.19.0 of Windplanner!


  • Lineplanner is now included in the trial period


  • When editing a turbine you are now able to change the name of a turbine.
  • Added a download option to finished simulations. This will download a KML version of the generated simulation result.
  • Display the solar park details by default when entering the edit menu of a solar park
  • We’ve adjusted the display of the placed models lists to be consistent across all modules.
  • The locations of buttons for requesting support or content has been reconsidered, and adjusted where applicable.


  • Fixed an issue with slider and number inputs where manually inputting the value caused some problems
  • Fixed turbulence radius not reacting to the wind direction when adjusting the latter.
  • Added missing translation in the turbine edit screen when having multiple 3D models selected
  • The 3D world will now actually zoom to your location when accepting the location prompt
  • The context menu will now correctly close when selecting the ‘edit’-button.

We hope you continue to enjoy using Windplanner.

Windplanner 2.18.0

Oktober 24, 2023

Welcome to version 2.18.0 of Windplanner!


  • Object parks have become easier to add and edit, the related editors have been added to the edit interface.
    • A new setting has been added to both the edit panel and the placement tool: “Area Rotation”. This setting determines how the placed objects are aligned.
  • Windplanner now has its own time machine! It’s now possible to retrieve older Google Streetview imagery.


  • When entering a new or empty project, Windplanner will ask for permission to retrieve your current location, this location will be used to automatically pan the map.
  • We’ve added coordinate systems for the UTM zones covering the United States (UTM 10 through 18).
    • Using a different coordinate system than we currently provide? Request it here!
  • Updated the information provided in the help-interface of the custom panorama panel to include the services we can provide for you.


  • Windplanner will now correctly inform about the max file size, when trying to upload a file which exceeds 20mb.
  • Options in dropdown menus will now correctly slide when their content exceeds the available width.
  • Objects parks will no longer be placed in a seemingly random manner, when they should be placed right next to eachother.

We hope you continue to enjoy using Windplanner.

Windplanner 2.17.0

Oktober 12, 2023

Welcome to the latest snapshot of Windplanner’s release notes!


  • The dashboard got an overhaul!
    • Your profile has its own dedicated page, it can be reached by clicking on the related icon in the top-right of the dashboard.
  • Two factor authentication
    • We’ve added the option to secure your account further by using a extra validation step through your email-address.
    • Two factor authentication can be enabled via the new profile page.
    • During login, you can choose to remember your device for 30 days, skipping the extra validation step during this time.


    • Solar parks will now store their amount of panels on the park
    • Fix a bug where parks were drawn incorrectly

    We hope you enjoy these new features and bug fixes. As always, we appreciate your feedback and are committed to continuously improving Windplanner.

    Windplanner 2.16.0

    September 27, 2023

    Welcome to the latest snapshot of Windplanner’s release notes!


    3D BAG example: Rotterdam

    This is a snapshot of the Dutch 3D BAG tileset in Windplanner. Please contact us for similar datasets for other countries.

    • Added 3DBag building dataset
      • You can find this new data set in the World layers tab under the 3D Tilesets section. The best way to view this dataset is together with the recently added AHN terrain dataset found in the same tab under the Terrain dropdown.
    • Increase custom pano upload limit to 20MB
      • With this new change we go from 10MB per custom panorama to 20MB. This means higher quality images can now be used.


      • Solarplanner performance
        • The loading of solar panels has been adjusted to be more user friendly, when placing large parks you are now able to continue your work in the app while the park is being calculated and placed in the background
      • Enhanced current CSV Export and Import
        • With the new changes, the actual turbine models are now included aswell. What this entails is that when uploading a new CSV to Windplanner. New turbine models will be created aslong as the original model exists in our list of available models. The export turbine function now includes these new values. Old Windplanner CSV files still work the same as before but any new export made will include the new capabilities
      • Coordinate displays across the application are now made uniform. Latitude, Longutide is the main format.
        • This works the same if you don’t currently use WGS84, like for example X, Y coordinate systems
      • Added the option to change the quality of Streetview in the tool
      • Added the option to change the quality of a mask within the automatic masking tool
      Skydetect tool settings

      The quality setting within the interface of the Skydetect masking tool


      • Fix for automatic masking, it should not be possible to get stuck on creating a mask anymore
      • Fix for project specific settings custom layers
      • Fix customer layers not proprly staying activated after a refresh
      • Fix selection of object fields
      • Fix using the bottom right menu to change coordinates, customers should no longer trigger a camera move multiple times

      We hope you enjoy these new features and bug fixes. As always, we appreciate your feedback and are committed to continuously improving Windplanner.

      Windplanner 2.15.0

      July 4, 2023

      Welcome to the latest snapshot of Windplanner’s release notes! For our US customers, we wish you a happy Independence Day. This week, we are excited to introduce several new functionalities in Windplanner.


      • Combine SkyDetect with manual masking

      Now you can enhance the results of SkyDetect, our self-developed AI that integrates self-positioned objects with panoramas, by using manual masking. Fine-tune the positioning of objects by removing parts of the panorama or using the drawing tool to adjust their placement. This feature enables you to generate and create future scenarios quickly and efficiently, ensuring a more immersive experience for your stakeholders.


      • Different solar panel styles

      You can now customize the appearance of solar panels, including their color, line thickness, and the application of textures. Tailor the visual representation of solar panels to meet your specific needs.

      • Worldfog

      Experience realistic dusk settings in your virtual environment, adding an extra layer of immersion to your projects.


      • Fixed an issue where markers were not consistently loaded when starting a project.
      • Resolved elevation data reset upon project return.
      • Fixed a bug that prevented the deletion of solar parks.
      • KMZ layers now accurately incorporate orientation values.
      • Addressed the inability to move solar parks within the environment.

      We hope you enjoy these new features and bug fixes. As always, we appreciate your feedback and are committed to continuously improving Windplanner.

      Windplanner 2.14.0

      May 11, 2023


      • Lineplanner

      We are super excited to announce that Windplanner has a new addition to its range: Lineplanner.

      The tool to plan the energy grid on the map & in 3D and visualize it in every conceivable 360-degree panorama. Take your stakeholders into possible situations and setups and immediately show them the impact.


      • Noise impact and Shadow flicker simulations

      Besides the fact that we are very proud of the fact that we have released Lineplanner, we already have our sights set on our next adventure.

      The past few months we have been busy with a functionality that makes it possible to simulate shadowflicker and noise impact.

      This functionality is now being tested intensively by experts. To be continued…..


      • Decide the gap between solarfields

      Determine the space between the east-west arrangement of a solar park

      • Flanders (Belgium) Height data

      Windplanner features the most up-to-date DHM-Flanders 1M available.

          • Cesium Updated

          Windplanner’s 3D environment CesiumJS is now running on version 1.103 and therefore has new functionalities, such as improved move settings and rendering options.


          • Turbines were placed before the height data was loaded
          • Earth jumped when starting a project
          • Missing translations
          • Move points of a solar park could no longer be moved
          • The move tool no longer worked in the 3D world
          • Deleting a duplicated layout did not remove the objects in that layout

          Windplanner 2.13.0

          March 20, 2023

          It’s been a while, but we’re back with lots of new features and improvements to existing features.


          • Panorama Masking

          We have improved our panorama masking technique so that leaves and twigs are no longer a match. Each object is now placed seamlessly behind the panorama.

          • Solarplanner

          You can now customize the color and texture of the solar panels

          • Dutch Height data

          Windplanner features the most up-to-date AHN4 data available.

            • Better labels

            When hovering over an object, the detailed and minimal views now provide more valuable information.


            • Object Planner has been out of its BETA phase since January 1. We want to thank you for all the valuable feedback we received.


            • Password reset wouldn’t send a re-activation mail
            • In the list of team members you could see a maximum of five members.
            • Objects in the 3D world sporadically disappeared as soon as you deleted a custom layout.

            Windplanner 2.12.5

            December 8, 2022


            • Finnish coordinate system

            We’ve added ETRS89 / TM35FIN(E,N) also know as EPSG:3067 to our collection or coordinate systems. 


            • Making a multi-project customer layer project-specific would not show the intended behaviour
            • Deleting a layout with Objects in them from Objectplanner would not result in deleted Objects
            • Sketch layer pen-tool would require you to click it twice before you can draw on the map
            • Altering the altitude inside a panorama would result in a crash
            • Objectpreview in the 3D-world did not show up
            • Password reset dropdown menu would not work
            • Enabling and disabling a project-specific custom layer would make it multi-project

            Windplanner 2.12.4

            October 25, 2022


            • Auto-reconnect

            Windplanner auto-disconnects whenever it’s open in a different tab and not being used. Now it will reconnect whenever you enter Windplanner.

            • Download a PDF-report

            Want to showcase all the different viewpoints in your Windplanner project? Simply use our new PDF downloader. This will list all your viewpoints with a panorama, map location and more useful details.


            • Zooming in too much resulted in clipping through the floor

            Windplanner 2.12.3

            September 26, 2022


            • Icon size-change based on zoom height

            Icons in 2D and 3D will change size depending on zoom height to declutter the UI. You can adjust the zoom height in Settings > Marker labels.


            • Renamed the place tools for a more uniform approach
            • Opacity slider for sketch layers would not make polygons fully transparent
            • Objects were susceptible to hovering above the ground

            Windplanner 2.12.2

            September 12, 2022


            • Facelift Dashboard

            Windplanner Dashboard has received an anticipated facelift. The lay-out has been reorganized and the sidemenubar has been modernized and stripped of redundancies.

            Windplanner 2.12.1

            August 22, 2022


            • Objectplanner in BETA

            We are happy to announce our newest addition to the Windplanner family, Objectplanner.

            With Objectplanner you can implement different types of 3D models into your projects to enhance your story. Place a herd of sheep, or a shore of trees to better visualize the impact of some of your projects. 

            Objectplanner is currently in BETA, meaning it’s open for anyone with a Windplanner license to play around with. We are looking for your feedback, more info in Windplanner!


            • Object hover label

            Switch between none, minimal and detailed info to suit your windplanning needs

            • Turbulence radius turbines

            The radius shall now change depending on the blade diameter and you can now switch between full-size and half-size radius. 


            • Layer list would glitch whenever ‘sort by opacity’ was disabled
            • Custom layers could not be made project specific

            Windplanner 2.11.20

            July 11, 2022


            • Multisampling anti-aliasing in 3D-world

            Display objects with greater detail in the 3D-world with the newly added feature MSAA. Find the toggle in Settings > Performance and select in what capacity you’d like to enhance your image.

            • Object info on hover

            Hover over objects and see more information about set object, for instance the height, width and name.


            • 3D-world randomly crash with array-error
            • Changing 3D-model of a preset rapidly would result in model not loading