Get in touch with stakeholders

Get in touch with stakeholders

Get in touch with stakeholders, even at an early stage of the project. Let Windplanner help you find the best spot for your windfarm.

Whatever your plans are for wind energy, you will always have to gain support from stakeholders. Landowners, residents, investors, colleagues… all of them will have a say about your plans.

A dialogue about your ideas is difficult if you only have dots on a map to show. What will that look like in reality? It is much more efficient to show realistic visualizations. They ensure that everyone talks about the same thing. They show precisely what it is going to be like in the future. And thus they clarify, even before significant investments are made.

With Windplanner you can show the impact of several scenarios realtime and photo-realistisc of future #windfarms in the landscape.
Want to know how it works? Have a look.

Windplanner is a product of The Imagineers Holland

Get in touch with stakeholders

Imagine You’re sketching a new windfarm

Imagine You're sketching a new windfarm

Sketching your windfarm on a 2D map… and get a 3D presentation, right away.

Imagine you are sketching on a 2D map… You measure the distances, so you are sure the turbines are not too close to residential areas, you know the turbines have the correct radius, and you clearly see any potential obstructions on the map.
You choose a location for your wind farm and: you see straight away what it looks like in 3D and Street View. And you can look at it from different angles.

And the good thing is. You can make high-resolution prints, show the plan on a touch screen, see the plan from different angles, make a video and share it on -for instance- Facebook and Youtube. The choice is yours. You can even see it in VR.

If you’d ask an agency to create this for you, you easily spend thousands of euros per project.

With Windplanner you can do it yourself.
In this 2 minute explanation, you can see how.
And if you have any quentions Tedde Langhout is there to help you out.

Imagine You’re sketching a new windfarm

Perfect example from Pure energie

Perfect example from Pure energie

A perfect example from Pure Energie to show the reliability of the photo-realistic visualizations created in Windplanner (The Imagineers Holland)

In the first photo, you can see the visualization of the windfarm created in Windplanner. After the building process of the windfarm, they have taken a photo at the same location as the visualization. This example is showing how important accurate visualizations are during stakeholder engagement to give an accurate expectation of the visual impact.

Would you like to learn some more about the visualization possibilities of Windplanner, please take a look at our website our get in touch with us.

Perfect example from Pure energie

Can we paint it black?

Can we paint it black?

A new interesting question; Can we paint it black?

Yes we can.
But why?

We just got this special question from RWE to visualise current windturbines at the Eemshaven with black roterblades. So they can get a realistic impression of the visual impact of this change.

It seems that black roterblades can reduce the bird fatality rate. Research and tests at the Norwegian isle Smøla showed a 70% reduction. This becomes more important because bird fatalities through collision with moving turbine rotor blades are expected to increase, because windfarms are expanding.

We are happy to contribute with our visualisation expertise to translate this idea in realistic visualisations and make is bird friendly.

So……..Yes we can! Paint it black.

Question to you:
Is birdfriendly(black rotorblade) an option you would like to see in ?

Can we paint it black?

Free observers for online stakeholders engagement during these difficult Corona times

Free observers

Almost all offline information meetings for involving stakeholders in wind projects have been canceled worldwide. Windplanner would like to contribute during this difficult period. In order to bring people online insight and understanding, Windplanner offers its users an unlimited number of observers during this period for free. With this, stakeholders can view projects virtually on a personal invitation, for example, to compare scenarios or view the situation from the selected viewpoints. Send us a message and we will ensure that the observers are added to your account.

Free observers for online stakeholders engagement during these difficult Corona times

Release notes – April 2020

Release Notes - April 2020

Solar performance

Our development team has worked extensively to increase the performance of the solarmodule, to make sure the loading time of a solarpark is reduced, so you can easily visualize and see the modifications much faster than before.

Custom map layer for one project

It’s now possible to upload a map layer for one specific project, so the map layer won’t appear in the map layer list of any other project. This will increase loading time and you will only see the map layers you need for the specific project

Request high detailed terrain and satellite imagery

More frequently, we have received requests for higher detailed terrain and satellite imagery in some areas. In many countries, we have contact with suppliers from those data. If you have this data for a specific area yourselves and you would like to integrate this, please contact sales.

Legend upload for map layer

From now on, it’s possible to upload a legend for every map layer. This legend will give more information to the map layer you have uploaded.

Feature request

We would like to continue improving Windplanner even more if you have a feature you would like to have in Windplanner, please let us know and we will get in contact with you!

Feature request

Feature request

We create Windplanner for our users. That’s why we would like to hear from you.
Please let us know which feature you would like to see in Windplanner.
In the form below, you can fill in your feature or features request.



New Feature – color your turbines

Color markings on the turbines

New feature: color markings on turbines

Windplanner has a catalog with the 3D models of many turbines, such as Enercon, Vestas, Siemens, and GE. You can adjust the rotor diameter, hub height, and lighting according to your needs. Now, you can also add color markings to your 3D model. This comes in handy when local legislation requires color markings on the rotor blades, for example. Or when you want to adjust the coloring of the mast.

coloring of wind turbine blade and mast

Do you want to know how to do this?  Watch the tutorial:

Public award for innovation

Innovation top 100

Innovation top 100 – Public award

The Dutch Chamber of Commerce has selected Windplanner to belong to the 100 most innovative companies in The Netherlands!

The expert jury states that renewable energy projects are easier to understand with the innovative visualization techniques of Windplanner. They stated: “Clean energy is the future. Yet a wind or solar park in your immediate area is often difficult to imagine. “Not in my backyard” is a frequently heard response. But is that reasonable? With Windplanner, project developers can plan, visualize and communicate with the environment at an early stage about the effects of a windmill project.”


What can Windplanner do for you?

  • Accelerate your project by engaging stakeholders
  • Show the visual impact of a wind or solar project on its surroundings
  • Create a realistic understanding of your project


Discover Windplanner


Will you help us win?

The official ranking will be announced on September 25th. In addition to the jury ranking, there is also a public award. Will you give us a hand?

YES! Windplanner, win!


The website for voting is in Dutch, we hope that does not bother you 🙂

  1. Click on the purple bar “Stem op Windplanner”.
  2. Add your name and email address,
  3. Click on the blue bar “Stem uitbrengen”.


You will get an email, click on the green bar “Stem bevestigen” to confirm your vote.


Big thanks from all of us!


Innovation top 100

Innovation top 100

Innovation top 100

We are proud to announce that the Chamber of Commerce has selected Windplanner to belong to the 100 most innovative Dutch companies!


The chamber of commerce states:

Windplanner: Innovative visualization makes energy projects understandable.

Clean energy is the future. Yet a wind or solar park in your immediate area is often difficult to imagine. “Not in my backyard” is a frequently heard response. But is that reasonable? With Windplanner, project developers can plan, visualize and communicate with the environment at an early stage about the effects of a windmill project.

Realistic image

Windplanner is a web application that enables project developers to give those involved in a wind and solar project a realistic image. The tool is suitable for planning, simulation, visualization and as a communication tool. The tool converts a sometimes abstract project drawing into a 3D visualization. On images, for example from Google Streetview, you can draw windmills and adjust them in terms of size, number or type. The tool calculates the effects of wind direction, wind force and shadow on the mills and their environment. In addition to the photo visualizations, maps with geographic information can also be used in the application to optimally plan a project and to explain the plan to the environment.

Energy transition and strong partners

Windplanner has all common wind turbine models and solar panels in the software. The applicability is therefore large. Strong partners, such as two regional development companies, support this innovation. Windplanner now has a significant market share in the Netherlands and Windplanner is also gaining a foothold abroad with this “typically Dutch innovation”. With better visualization, plans for clean energy projects become more comprehensible, and this tool can contribute to the acceleration of the upcoming energy transition.