Custom Panorama AI Assistent
Ever wished you could erase unwanted objects from your 360° panoramas within a second to improve your view of a windfarm or solarpark?
Read articleEver wished you could erase unwanted objects from your 360° panoramas within a second to improve your view of a windfarm or solarpark?
Read articleEnhance your project with our new editor, enabling you to establish a target energy capacity.
Read articleObjectplanner can also be used for BESS projects (Battery Energy Storage System)? Our database of models is continuously growing and various objects such as containers, fences and mitigation measures are already available to put together your own BESS configuration.
Read articleStreet View is now also widely available in Germany. In combination with photogrammetry from Google, you can create a photo-realistic representation of your wind project in less than 1 minute.
Read articleOn 2 May there was international recognition for Windplanner from Cesium on how we visualize the future of renewable energy!
Read articleWindplanner introduces its latest module, Lineplanner, designed to showcase the visual impact of high-voltage pylons on the environment.
Read articleAll new functionalities, including an improved version of our panorama mask and better quality solar panels.
Read articleVirtual Consultation Room for better and uninterrupted engagement with your stakeholders.
Read articleNew: Objectplanner: our powerful additional platform fully integrated with
Windplanner and solar planner.
The start of a great collaboration with CWP renewables as a new customer.
Read articleGet in touch with stakeholders, even at an early stage of the project. Let Windplanner help you find the best spot for your windfarm.
Read articleSketching your windfarm on a 2D map… and get a 3D presentation, right away.
Read articleA perfect example from Pure Energie to show the reliability of the photo-realistic visualizations created in Windplanner.
Read articleWe just got this special question from RWE to visualise current windturbines at the Eemshaven with black roterblades.
Read articleWindplanner offers its users an unlimited number of observers during this period for free.
Read articlePlease let us know which feature you would like to see in Windplanner.
Read articleDo you need color markings on the rotor blades? Or do want to add colors to the mast of the turbine? This is now possible in Windplanner!
Read articleWill you vote for Windplanner to win the public award? Please vote for us before September 20th!
Read articleWe are proud to announce that the Chamber of Commerce has selected Windplanner to be part of the 100 most innovative Dutch companies!
Read articleWe are participating at WindDays 2019 in Rotterdam, 12-13 June. Do you want to shape a wind farm and immediately see the visual impact? Come visit us at Stand 22, and meet Windplanner and our premium reseller IX Wind (Independent eXperts). Looking forward to meeting you!
Read articleChecklist for preparing a community consultation event: a list of tips to help in making your event successful
Read articleSolar now available in Windplanner! You can plan and visualize solar fields in Windplanner. And see the visual impact in 3D and in 360 degree photos.
Read articleCome to visit IX Wind at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 1 K0829
Read articleWindEnergy HAMBURG – 25 – 28 September. The Windplanner team will be present at the expo! You can find us at the Dutch Pavilion Hall B7 – Booth 470.02.
Read articleWe are continuously improving Windplanner. Read about the shapefiles/kmz import function and photo upload service.
Read articleFred. Olsen wins Windplanner year subscription at All Energy 2018. Finley Becks-Phelps said: “I am absolutely delighted to have the opportunity to use Windplanner, very pleased to have won your competition.”
Read articleWindplanner is creating an international network of Premium Resellers; they will scout opportunities for Windplanner and they will be the first point of contact for Windplanner related assistance, such as training, support, and photography services. We are very proud and happy to announce that MVGLA will join our network! MVGLA focuses on Scotland, England, Ireland and New Zealand.
Read articleHooray!!! Windplanner V3 is now available. Windplanner V3 represents a step change in the ease of visualization of wind farms.
Read articleWindplanner shows the visual impact of wind parks. The Windplanner team can assist customers in showing plans to stakeholders and residents, in a neutral and realistic way.
Read articleWindplanner is creating an international network of premium resellers; they will scout opportunities for Windplanner and they will be the first point of contact for Windplanner related assistance, such as training, support and photography services.
We are very proud and happy to announce that IX will join our network and focus on Japan and Taiwan!
Read articleWe are exhibiting at WindEurope 2017 in Amsterdam, 28-30 November. Do you want to shape a wind farm and immediately see the visual impact? Come visit us at stand 2C47, and meet Windplanner, our premium reseller IX (Independent eXperts) and Antea. Looking forward to meeting you!
Read articleWindSim and Windplanner are happy to announce that their software systems will integrate smoothly, thus creating synergy for customers.
WindSim for the energy yield calculations. Windplanner for the visual impact. An excellent combination for a successful wind project.
Read articleBildng and Windplanner will work together to make the “Windkansenkaart” (Map for wind opportunities) available for the Dutch market. The Windkansenkaart, created by Bildng, shows the suitability of a location for windmills. This data is accessible exclusively via Windplanner.
Read articleA short review of a windy windfair. This was a trade fair never to forget. Imagine a wind fair that had to close down….because of stormy weather! Even though we missed out one day because of this, it was a great event for us.
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We will be exhibiting at HUSUM Wind 2017, home of the Wind industry. We cooperate with North Rhine-Westphalia and you can find us in Hall 3 – stand B04/07. We look forward to meeting you!
Read articleDuring Sneekweek – the large sailing event with over 1000 boats competing in 30 classes – we organized our “R-vaar-dag” with Windplanner customers. We shared experiences and discussed future developments. And, above all, we had lots of fun during the boat trip to watch the “Skûtsjesilen” sailing regatta.
Read articleNewsflash! Our always-on-the-lookout-for-improvements-team has modified the dashboard of Windplanner.
Read articleThe community of Oss is developing a new wind farm. There are two scenarios under discussion. As part of the environmental impact assessment, the project team has visualized this project with Windplanner.
Read articleThe official opening ceremony of Gemini Offshore Wind farm was on On May 8th, 2017. How long would it take us to visualize such a project? The answer is…..less than 30 minutes.
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All in all, it was a great trip, fully loaded with new experiences, insights and contacts.
Read article”We are not looking at a dot on a map or a single static photograph, we can really walk around the turbines.”
Read articleWindplanner goes to Asia! We will exhibit at the Wind Expo in Tokyo. Will we meet you there?
Read articleDoefonds, NOM and the G.J. Smid Foundation are investing in disruptive visualisation technology.
Dutch Virtual Reality technology shows the impact of wind turbines on the surroundings and residents, anywhere in the world.
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